How long does BOTOX® effect last?
BOTOX® treatment on wrinkles can last for up to 6 months18. You can repeat the treatment to achieve your desired results. After the BOTOX® effect wears off, your wrinkles will only gradually come back and will not get worse.
I would like to receive BOTOX® treatment, but I heard that it was produced from a toxin. Is it safe?
BOTOX® is a highly purified protein complex produced under strict laboratory rules and conditions#. With 30 years of clinical and experiences in the world, and being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S.^, the safety of BOTOX® has been well-assessed.
Does BOTOX® dosing increase every treatment?
No. The doctor tailors the dosage in accordance to the extent of muscle contraction for the required areas. Clinical studies show that the results of BOTOX® treatments last longer as the number of treatment increases, which can reduce the number of treatments gradually in the long run17.
會否造成面部肌肉僵硬? 面部肌肉會否受損?
Does BOTOX® make your face stiff and damage your facial muscle?
BOTOX®保妥適®只在療程部位產生作用, 針對性放鬆過於活躍的面部肌肉以達至去皺效果#, 正確使用下並不會引起面部僵硬及構成傷害。
BOTOX® only affects the treated areas. It does not make your face stiff under correct use. BOTOX® would just temporarily relax the overactive muscles on face in order to smooth away dynamic wrinkles#, therefore will not cause damage to facial muscles under correct use.
Can BOTOX® botulinum toxin be used in conjunction with Juvéderm® hyaluronic acid?
Yes. Treatment of BOTOX® and Juvéderm® at the sametime can enhance the treatment effect. For example, it is recommended to undergo the BOTOX® treatment to relax the muscle# which causes static frown lines, followed by treatment of Juvéderm® hyaluronic acid to fill up and smooth the static wrinkles away19-20.