‡: Medical Insight, Inc 2018. Global Facial Injectables Market Study. December 2018. Based on worldwide neurotoxins market 2017 (in sales value).
*: Allergan. Unpublished Data. INT/0292/2018(1). March 2019. #: BOTOX® Prescribing Information. HK-41906. May 2013.
†: Allergan. Data on File. REF-74184.UNPUBLISHED DATA: BOTOX® number of vials shipped as of March 2019 INT/0292/2018(1). March 2019.
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BOTOX®保妥適®(Botulinum Toxin Type A)藥品註冊編號: HK-41906. BOTOX®為醫生處方藥物,請向醫生或醫學美容中心
© 2023 Allergan Aesthetics. All rights reserved. All adverse events should be reported to drugsafety.pv@abbvie.com. HK-BCT-230023.
Approval date: 23/Mar/23
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